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Mandarin Chinese Articles

What are the differences between the 被 (bèi) structure and 把 (bǎ) structure in Mandarin Chinese?

By: Lina Shen Fri Aug 30 2024
Mandarin chinese
Sentences With Special Verb Predicates

Although you might think that the passive voice  (bèi) structure and the  () structure are similar, there are some important differences between the two. Take a look at both structures below:

subject +  (bèi) + the agent + verb + aspect marker/complement

subject +  () + Object + verb + aspect marker/complement

  • The  (bèi) structure uses the passive voice, and it emphasizes the action or the result of the action that is carried out by the agent.


    (Zìxíngchē bèi wǒ gēge mài le.)

    The bike was sold by my older brother.

  • The  () structure, which is a variation of the “subject + verb + object” structure, is in the active voice and the verb in the sentence plays an important role. What's more, the  () structure focuses on the changes to the direct object (可乐 in the following sentence).


    (Wǒ bǎ kělè hē wán le.)

    I finished my coke.

Let’s explore more!

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    How to turn a 被 (bèi) sentence into a 把 (bǎ) sentence in Mandarin Chinese?

    Most of the time, a  () sentence can be changed into a  (bèi) sentence. All we need to do is take the direct object in the  () sentence and use it as the subject in the  (bèi) sentence and then take the subject in the  () sentence and use it as the agent in the  (bèi) sentence.

    Subject +  () + Object + verb + aspect marker/complement

    Subject +  (bèi) + the agent + verb + aspect marker/complement

    Let's try to turn the following  () sentences into  (bèi) sentences:

    • Example 1:


      (Wǒ bǎ fángjiān shōushi gānjìng le.)

      I cleaned up the room.

      the object here is 房间 (fángjiān, “room”)


      (Fángjiān bèi wǒ shōushi gānjìng le. )

      The room was cleaned up by me.

    • Example 2:


      (Tāmen méi bǎ diànnǎo xiū hǎo. )

      They did not fix the computer.

      the object here is 电脑 (diànnǎo, “computer")


      (Diànnǎo méi bèi tāmen xiū hǎo.)

      The computer was not fixed by them.

    How about we try to turn a  (bèi) sentence to a  () sentence?

    Subject +  (bèi) + the agent + verb + aspect marker/complement

    subject +  () + object + aspect marker/complement

    • Example 1:


      (Zhuōzi bèi tāmen bān jìnlái le. )

      The table was moved in by them.


      (Tāmen bǎ zhuōzi bān jìnlái le. )

      They moved in the table.

    • Example 2:


      (Xìn bèi nǐ jì zǒu le ma? )

      Has the letter been sent away by you?


      (Nǐ bǎ xìn jì zǒu le ma? )

      Have you sent away the letter?

    What kinds of 把 (bǎ) sentences cannot be turned into 被 (bèi) sentences in Mandarin Chinese?

    In the following situations, a  () sentence cannot be turned into a  (bèi) structure, and vice versa:

    • When an imperative sentence is used with a  () sentence, it cannot be turned into a  (bèi) sentence. For example:

      O 请你把我的外衣拿来。

      (Qǐng nǐ bǎ wǒde wàiyī nálái.)

      Please bring my coat over here.

      X 我的外衣请被你拿来。

      Wǒde wàiyī qǐng bèi nǐ nálái.

    • You cannot form the passive voice when the (resulting) subject of the passive structure won’t be an agent and the verb is a mental verb, like (xiǎng, want to) , 愿意 (yuànyì, be willing to), and so on.


      (Wǒ bùxiǎng bǎ wǒde xié rēng le. )

      I don’t want to throw away my shoes.

      The object here 我的鞋 (wǒde xié, my shoes) will become the subject of the passive structure and, since shoes cannot "want," a passive voice cannot be constructed, so this  () sentence cannot be turned into a  (bèi) sentence.


      (Wǒde xié bùxiǎng bèi wǒ rēng le. )

      My shoes don’t want to be thrown away by me.

      Check this one out too:


      (Nǐ yuànyì xiànzài bǎ wǎnfàn chī le ma? )

      Are you willing to have dinner now?


      (Wǎnfàn yuànyì xiànzài bèi nǐ chī ma?)

      Is dinner willing to be eaten by you now?

      But with modal verbs, like (néng, can), 可以 (kěyǐ, be allowed to), and (gāi, should), a  () sentence can be turned into a  (bèi) structure and vice versa, because these verbs function like a helping verb. Look at this sentence:


      (Lǎobǎn gāi bǎ tā kāichú diào.)

      The boss should fire him.

      The subject here is 老板 (lǎobǎn, “the boss”), and a boss can/should fire someone, so it is possible to transfer this to a 被 (bèi) sentence.


      (Tā gāi bèi lǎobǎn kāichú diào. )

      He should be fired by the boss.

    So, if there are modal verbs a  () sentence can be transferred to a  (bèi) structure and vice versa. If there are mental verbs (xiǎng, want to), 愿意 (yuànyì, be willing to), and so on, a  () sentence cannot be transferred to a  (bèi) structure and vice versa.

    As a final point, the  (bèi) structure tends to be used more in adverse events or situations, whereas the  () structure does not. Please note that this does not mean that the  (bèi) structure is only used in bad situations.


    (Táidēng bèi wǒ nòng huài le.)

    The lamp was broken by me.


    (Wǒ bǎ chēpiào mǎi huílái le.)

    I brought home the tickets.

    To sum up

    In Mandarin Chinese, the  (bèi) structure and the  () structure have a similar sentence pattern, but they are used for different purposes: a passive voice  (bèi) sentence emphasizes the action that an agent carries out, while the active voice  () structure focuses on the changes on the direct object.

    • A  () structure can be turned into a  (bèi) structure and vice versa most of the time.

    • Watch out for a couple of exceptions when these two sentence patterns are not interchangeable:

      • Imperative sentences in a  () structure cannot be turned into a  (bèi) structure.

      • Sentences with mental verbs, like (xiǎng, want to) , 愿意 (yuànyì, be willing to), and so on and non-agent objects cannot be turned into a  (bèi) structure

    That's all! Check out these exercises to practice the differences between the  () and  (bèi) structures and to see how much you have learned!

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