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English Articles

How to use the present continuous in English?

By: revel arroway, Isabel McKay Thu Sep 12 2024

The present continuous is one of the main ways we talk about current and future events in English. We use it to talk about:

  • an action that is happening “right now”

  • an action that is “in progress” but is not happening at the moment you speak

  • a present day plan for a future action

In English, there is a big difference between the present continuous and the present simple, so it is important to use the correct form of the verb:

  • Present continuous:

    I am dancing.

    The action is happening right now or currently.
  • Present simple:

    I dance.

    The action happens often.

In this post, we’ll be looking at how to form the present continuous, and then we’ll get down to the details about when we use it. Ready to find out just how we English speakers talk about what we are doing? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

    How to form the present continuous?

    Here is the rule for making the present continuous:

    am / are / is

    present participle

    (verb + -ing)

    I am reading a novel right now.

    You are watching television.

    She is playing tennis.

    The present continuous has two pieces:

    • An auxiliary verb (or “helping verb”):

      In all continuous tenses the auxiliary verb is be. In the present continuous, the auxiliary verb is in the present tense.

      Short form




      you / we / they



      he / she / it



    • A main verb, which carries the meaning

      In all continuous tenses, the main verb is always in its present participle form:

      • Present Participle = root + -ing

      This works for all verbs, even irregular verbs (e.g. being, having, bringing…)

      Spelling watch!

      There are some spelling rules for -ing:

      write writing


      run running


      Luckily, these rules do not affect pronunciation! Check out the complete list of the spelling rules for -ing to learn more!

    How to form sentences with the present continuous?

    We form sentences with the present continuous just like we form all sentences in English:

    • Affirmative sentences



      main verb

      You are washing the dishes.

    • Question



      main verb

      Am I reading a novel?

      Are they sleeping?

      What is she doing?

    • Negative Sentence




      main verb

      I am not cleaning my room.

      You are not studying.

      She isn’t playing tennis.

    When to use the present continuous?

    There are three main times when you can use the present continuous in English:

    • to talk about something that is happening right now

    • to talk about something that is in progress (but not happening right now)

    • to talk about a plan for the future (especially the near future)


    We do not use the present continuous with stative verbs!

    Stative verbs describe a situation, not an action or a process. For stative verbs, we use the English present simple instead:

    I know English.

    I am knowing English.

    I like cats.

    I am liking cats.

    I want dinner.

    I am wanting dinner.

    Some verbs have two meanings and one is stative but the other is not. You can use only the non-stative meaning in the present continuous.

    I am thinking he is nice

    think = have an opinion

    I am thinking about the problem.

    think = actively use your brain

    For more information and examples, have a look at our stative verbs reference sheet!

    Let’s go through the three main uses!

    To talk about something going on right now

    We often use the present continuous to talk about something that is happening while you are speaking. Let’s listen in on Susan talking to her mother on the phone:

    A smiling woman with warm brown skin, dark, shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, and a pink shirt.

    Hey mom! How are you doing today?


    Oh, I’m feeling much better than yesterday. How are you, honey?


    I’m really busy. I’m baking cookies for the party. What are you doing?


    Oh, I’m just sitting on the sofa watching my favorite program. What about Peter?


    He’s working on that important report. On no! Mom, I’ll call you later.


    What’s happening?


    The cookies are burning! There’s smoke coming out of the oven! The fire alarm is ringing! I’ll call you later!! Bye!


    Bye honey!

    A drawing of an older woman with short brown hair, warm skin, and a dark jacket.

    Besides talking on the phone, here are some other situations where you can find the present continuous to talk about something happening “right now”:

    • during live radio news or sports broadcasts:

      • The Lions are running down the field!

    • in a story or novel told in the present tense:

      • “Robin Hood is fighting like a demon, now! He is completely surrounded!”

    • when someone describes a thought or feeling that cannot be seen from the outside:

      • I’m feeling a little tired. Do you mind if I sit down?

    • when a teacher explains a process:

      • Now I’m adding the eggs to make the cake very fluffy.

    To talk about something that is in progress

    You can also use the present continuous to talk about an action that is in progress but that you are not doing right now. These are actions that happen for a long time — and you might take a break in the middle — but someone is still working on them. For example:

    • Peter’s working on a report this week, but now he is cooking.

    • She’s reading a bit of her book for her English class every night.

    • We are studying the present continuous this semester.

    As you can see, we expand the present moment to include more time with expressions like: this week / every night / this semester


    When you use the present continuous for a short action, we will often understand that it happened over-and-over, or that the action is taking an unusual amount of time to complete. This explains how the action can be “in progress” over a period of time:

    I am jumping.

    I am jumping over and over or jumping in slow-motion.

    One important note: the present continuous is still for things that are only temporarily happening. If something always or generally happens, you should use the present simple instead.

    present simplepresent continuous

    Milo usually builds houses, but this week he is building a gazebo.

    building houses = habit; building a gazebo = action in progress
    Stay sharp!

    Sometimes we use the present continuous to talk about bad or annoying habits. When we do this, we use the adverb always:

    • Peter is always biting his fingernails!

    • Mary is always talking about her new puppy.

    • I’m always making the same stupid mistake!

    To talk about a future plan

    You can use the present continuous to talk about a future action that you have planned in advance. Usually this is not only for an event you are certain will happen, but also something that is an official plan, so other people probably know the plan as well.

    Let’s look at Mark talking about his plans for moving:

    A drawing of a man with light skin, dark hair, and a blue shirt.

    I’m moving from Chicago to Houston next month. I’m really excited about the move.

    This afternoon I’m talking with my new roommate, John, on Zoom.

    Later, I’m making a bank transfer to pay for the first month’s rent.

    Tonight, all of my friends are throwing me a goodbye party.

    I’m renting a moving van to take my things to Houston.

    I’m driving the entire trip by myself.

    My roommate is helping me to unload the van.

    We’re planning to visit the city once I’m settled in.

    I’m also looking forward to meeting new people.

    I can’t wait until I’m living in Houston!

    Here we see that Mark is talking about many things that he is not doing right now, but will be doing very soon. He is describing a current plan about a future time.

    He uses time expressions like this afternoon / later / tonight / next month, to show that he is talking about the future!

    Check out our post on using the present continuous and the present simple to talk about the future for more examples!

    Summing up

    The present continuous is a very easy compound verb to make. You’ve seen:

    am / are / is


    present participle (root + -ing)

    (main verb)

    The present continuous is used mainly to talk about:

    • actions that are happening right now, while you are speaking

    • actions that are in progressthese days, this week, this month

    • future actions that are currently planned, often for the near future → this afternoon, later, tonight, next month

    If you want to practice some of these uses, why not check out the English present continuous activities we’ve prepared for you?

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