A valley lake in between mountains with conifers along the shore in Maroon Bells, Colorado, USA

Activities: “Infinitive verbs in English: What are they and when are they used?”

By: Isabel McKay
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Spot the infinitives

Find and click on all of the infinitive verbs in the story below. Make sure to mark both the infinitives with to and the bare infinitives!

(Remember, the word to does not always mark an infinitive, and not all uses of the root form are bare infinitives!)

A smiling woman with brown skin wears a straw sun hat and a linen blouse and holds up a pumpkin in an agricultural field.
A trip !to the pumpkin patch!

Yesterday, we !took a trip !to the pumpkin farm. It !will !be Halloween next week, so we !wanted !to pick out some pumpkins !to turn into Jack-o’-lanterns. It !was a beautiful day !to be outside, and we !were really happy !to have the day off work so that we !could !go.

My friend Maggie and I always !go !to “Nanna’s Pumpkins! near the highway. In addition !to the pumpkins, they !have lots of things !to do at the pumpkin farm. We !didn’t have time !to try the corn maze or !to go on a hayride, but we !could still !take pictures with the sunflowers and it !was really fun !to look at the giant pumpkins.

When we !tried !to pay for our pumpkins, I !realized that I !had forgotten !to bring my wallet, but luckily Maggie !had her credit card, and she !paid for both of us. It !was really kind of her !to do!

Activity 2: Complex Infinitives

What is the infinitive form of the underlined verbs in each of the sentences below. For example:

ex: We are washing dishes. to be washing

  • Sandy goes to the pool three days a week.

  • Timothy is a professor.

  • Millie will pass back your papers.

  • The dog is running in circles.

  • The smoke alarm went off because my pasta was burning.

  • The criminals were caught robbing the bank.

  • A coat had been forgotten on the subway.

  • My goldfish has lived a good life.

  • Recently, my car has been making a very odd noise.

  • The meeting has been being interrupted over-and-over, since we started!

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