A red convertible car driving down in California with the hill with the Hollywood sign on it

Activities: “How to use the past simple in English?”

By: revel arroway
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Patty’s letter

A drawing of a smiling, middle-aged white woman with shoulder-length brown hair, blue eyes, a blue turtleneck and yellow blazer.

Patty took your English Writing 101 course last semester. She wrote a letter to her best friend from high school.

Select the correct form for the main verb in the simple past tense in the paragraph below.
Hint: Remember to use the root form with the auxiliary do!

Dear Marge,

How are you? I am fine. My mother !ask / !asked about you yesterday and it !reminded / !remound me that we didn’t !get / !got together last month because you !are / !were too busy with your new job. Did you !finished / !finish that special project on time? I remember that you !wanted / !wont to interview some important businessmen before you !wrote / !writed the final project report. Did the interviews !went / !go well? One of those businessmen !worked / !werk in the steel industry, right? What did he !said / !say about the future of steel production?

I !signed / !sought up for a creative writing course last month. The course !start / !started at the beginning of the month. For my first essay, I !writed / !wrote about climate change. The teacher !liked / !loukt my essay very much and gave me a 90% grade! I !wought / !worked very hard on that essay and it !turned / !turnt out very complete.

Well, that’s all for now. I have many things to do today. Yesterday I !spended / !spent all day with my mom, so I didn’t !get / !got anything done here at home!

Your friend,

Activity 2: How I became a salesman

John also took your writing class with Patty. This is one of his essays.

Use the following verbs to fill in the blanks in this story. Some verbs are used more than once. Be careful with irregular verbs!

A drawing of a white guy in a red shirt with short light-colored hair and blue eyes.

















I a salesman last year.

First, I to a week-long training course in St. Louis. There five participants and the training leader. His name Bob. We at a hotel and the training place in a conference room.

The first two days, Bob how our product worked. We were selling a machine that makes pasta. Bob us that it was important for us to understand how to make different kinds of pasta. The class very interesting.

The next two days, we about sales. We a book about how to be friendly, topics to avoid talking about, and how to push a client to buy. We a lot of notes and practiced the techniques together.

The last day, Friday, we into a residential area of St. Louis and on doors. We to sell the pasta machine to strangers. None of us a sale, but we some experience from the exercise. That evening, we a final dinner together and the next morning we all home.

The entire experience to make me the salesman I am today!

Activity 3: Mark’s beautiful garden

Mike wrote this essay about his vegetable garden.

Can you find the errors he made with the past simple? Can you correct his errors in the margin?

A drawing of three people. On the left a smiling black man in a green polo. On the right a smiling white woman with red hair and an aqua collared shirt. In the middle, a smiling white boy with dark hair and a green and orange polo.

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