The famous paved Lombard Street in San Francisco, a steep winding road in the hills

Activities: “How to use the past continuous in English?”

By: revel arroway
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: UFO sighting in Scoopville!

Read the article below, and identify all of the verbs that are in the past continuous.

The title of a newspaper, presented in the type of font you'd see at the top of the New York Times. The title of the newspaper is "The Daily Scoop" and it has a subheading "Your town, your people, your NEWS!" It is dated "November 21, 2043" and the publication location is "Scoopville, USA"
Neighbors in Scoopville !were enjoying a quiet evening last night, when they !heard a strange sound outside of their houses. It !was around 8pm, just when most of our neighbors !were watching the evening news or !getting the kids into their pajamas.*

“I !didn’t know what to think,” Mrs Margaret Crawthorn !told us this morning. “I !was sitting in the living room, !listening to the radio, when I !heard something outside that !made the front window !shake.”*

The Spicewaters !were having a normal evening at home when they !noticed the sound. “It !wasn’t an explosion,” Paul Spicewater !said. “It !sounded like a low, long, deep horn.” His wife, Sharon, added, “We !were just watching News 5, you know, the kids !were playing cards in the kitchen, and it !was like a big, fat cow !mooed, a really long moooooooo! We all !ran to the front porch. The UFO !was floating in the sky, and my son, Bobby, !drew a picture of it!”

Everyone in town !heard that cow-like sound, but some actually !saw where it came from. Jess McQue, who !owns the car repair shop on Main Street, !got the best view. “I !was closing the shop when the garage door !started to vibrate. I !was turning around when something !flashed in the sky. Just as I !was looking up, I !saw a huge flying saucer. The sound !was coming from that UFO!”

Sheriff Greg Brandon !issued a statement. He !wants everyone in Scoopville to !keep calm. “We !were following the UFO into the countryside when it just !disappeared. I !don’t think it !will come back. Everyone !was feeling frightened last night when it flew over, but now I !think the danger !is past.”

Strangely, no one !could take a photo of the UFO or !record the sound because while it !was passing over Scoopville, all electronic devices, like telephones or televisions, !stopped working. After it !was gone, everything !went back to normal.
A child's drawing of a cow with wings saying "Moo." It is signed "Bobby S." in childish handwriting.

Bobby’s picture of the UFO

Activity 2: What set the scene for what?

Use the article in Activity 1 to answer the questions below! Match “what was happening” to “what happened.” Base your answer on the news story.

Everyone was feeling frightened last night
Neighbors were enjoying a quiet evening
Jess McQue was closing the shop
Sheriff Brandon was following the UFO
Just as McQue was looking up
The Spicewaters were having a normal evening at home
McQue was turning around
The UFO was floating in the sky
Mrs. Crawthorn was listening to the radio
While the UFO was flying over Scoopville
  1. when they noticed the sound.

  2. when they heard a strange sound.

  3. when the garage door started to vibrate.

  4. when something flashed in the sky.

  5. all telephones stopped working.

  6. when it just disappeared.

  7. when it flew over.

  8. he saw a huge flying saucer.

  9. when she heard something outside.

  10. and Bobby drew a picture of it!

Activity 3: What were you doing?

You’ve had an “encounter” with a UFO. You are giving an interview to a television reporter. Can you explain what was happening, or what happened? Think about where you were, what you were doing when each of these events happened to you.

  • have dinner

    when I heard the loud sound.

  • look out the window

    when I saw the UFO.

  • stand on back porch

    when the UFO landed in my backyard.

  • feel scared

    when the UFO door opened.

  • run inside

    when the little green man said “hello.”

  • lock the door

    when the UFO landed in my backyard.

  • call police

    when the UFO landed in my backyard.

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