The San Remo building (a stone building with two identical towers) photographed from the Lake at Central Park in New York City

Activities: “How to talk about why something happened in English?”

By: Lauren Gurteen
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Identifying clauses

This activity has two parts.

Part 1

In each sentence, highlight the words in the reason, purpose, or result clause:

  • !She !went !to !Italy !this !summer !so !that !she !could !study !art!.
  • !We !got !some !take-out !food !since !we !were !hungry!.
  • !Because !it !was !sunny!, !they !all !wore !their !bikinis.
  • !Sally !took !her !binoculars, !for !she !wanted !to !see !the !birds!.
  • !I !chose !the !wrong !option !so !I !failed !the !test!.
  • !She !called !him !up !so !as !to !find !out !the !real !truth!.
  • !As !mom !was !driving !that !way!, !she !gave !me !a !lift.
  • !Jake !climbed !the !ladder !to !see !the !view!.
  • !Our !dad !left !the !car !at !home !so !we !could !take !it !to !soccer !practice!.
  • !I’m !disappointed !now !that !it's !over!.

Part 2

For each of the sentences in part 1, decide whether the clause you identified is a reason, purpose, or result clause:

  • She went to Italy this summer so that she could study art.

  • We got some take-out food since we were hungry.

  • Because it was sunny, they all wore their bikinis.

  • Sally took her binoculars, for she wanted to see the birds.

  • I chose the wrong option so I failed the test.

  • She called him up so as to find out the real truth.

  • As mom was driving that way, she gave me a lift.

  • Jake climbed the ladder to get on the roof.

  • Our dad left the car at home so we could take it to soccer practice.

  • I’m disappointed now the activity is over!

Activity 2: Jilly and the ham sandwich

Fill in each gap with one of the conjunctions from the list below.

so that
in order to

Jilly was hungry it was lunch time. She decided to make a sandwich, but first she found her dad she could ask him if he wanted one too. Her dad said that he wasn’t hungry he had eaten his lunch earlier.

Jilly went to the fridge see if there was any ham, but it was all gone her dad had eaten it earlier. Jilly decided she didn’t want to have a sandwich without ham, she pulled out some eggs instead and started to cook them.

Jilly’s dad came into the room he smelled the eggs cooking. “I thought you were making a sandwich,” he said.

“Well somebody ate all the ham, I changed my plans!” Jilly replied.

Jilly’s dad winced, and he made some toast for her apologize.

Activity 3: Correct the sentences

All of the sentences below contain an error. Rewrite the sentence to correct the error!

  • He traveled to China so that he learned Chinese.

    So that requires a modal verb.

  • He was tired, thus he did not concentrate fully in the meeting

    Thus is a conjunctive adverb, so it cannot introduce a result clause by itself. We either need to use a semicolon or add another conjunction (and).

  • So she put on her winter coat, it was snowing.

    So + result cannot start a sentence.

  • They went to the cinema for seeing the latest romantic comedy.

    For + gerund can only describe the purpose of an object, not the purpose of an action.

  • She put on makeup so as to she could look beautiful.

    So as to only comes before infinitive verbs.

  • I like dancing, I therefore try to dance at least once a day.

    Therefore is a conjunctive adverb, so it cannot be used alone in a result clause. We either need to add a conjunction (like and ) or we can replace it with a conjunction of result (so).

  • Pedro and Sally went out for to eat breakfast.

    For comes only before a noun, not an infinitive verb.

  • I am worried in case I am too short for the ride.

    → Being worried is not an action that you take to prepare for a possible situation, so in case is not correct here.

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