A valley with evergreen conifers in Bear Lake Trailhead, Estes Park, United States

Activities: “How to give commands in English?”

By: Anna Classing
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Assemble the command!

For each set of words below, form both a positive imperative and a negative imperative using don't ending in an exclamation point.

Example (positive): Clean the floor!
Example (negative): Don't clean the floor!

  • me + give + the salt

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • the window + open

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • take out + the trash

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • the mail + get

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • throw + the ball

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • the oven + turn on

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • your coat + on the chair + put

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • pay + the bill

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • the dog + feed

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • notes + take

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • wash + the children’s laundry

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • your homework + finish

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

  • be + quiet

    • positive imperative:

    • negative imperative:

Activity 2: Polite Commands

Make the commands more polite using the indicated strategy:

  • Add the word please:

    • Close the door.

    • Give me the book.

    • Take out the garbage.

    • Turn on the lamp.

  • Use the auxiliary do:

    • Feed the cat.

    • Start the movie.

    • Email me the report on Monday.

  • Form a request using can:

    • Move your car!

    • Print that page.

    • Hang the keys by the door.

  • Form a request using would and please:

    • Clean the living room.

    • Put the laundry in the dryer.

    • Set the table for dinner.

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