A bald eagle soaring in the air

Study Resource: Types of conditionals in English

By: Anna Classing
Type of conditionals
(condition + result)


present simple + present simple

Result always happens when the condition is true

If I walk in from the cold, my glasses get all steamed up.


present simple + future with will

Future results of a possible situation in a specific case

If you give me a 10 percent discount, I will pay you in cash right now.


past simple + would + verb

Imaginary result of imaginary situation in the present or future

If my house wasn’t so old, I would keep living in it.

In reality, my house is old and I don’t live there anymore.


past perfect + would + have+ past participle

Imaginary result of imaginary past situation

If Julia had paid attention in class, she would have passed the test yesterday.

In reality, Julia didn’t pay attention in class, and failed the test yesterday.


Any combination of other types

If you hadn’t forgotten to buy pasta and cheese yesterday, I would make pasta today.

In reality, you forgot to buy pasta and cheese yesterday, so I can’t make pasta today.

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