A ferris wheel in Santa Monica California with people lounging on the beach

Study Resource: English cardinal numbers cheat sheet

By: Erin Kuester

Culture note: Today, a “cheat sheet” is usually a reference sheet that a teacher allows you to use on a test, but a “cheat sheet” can also be a reference sheet you make to help you cheat on your exams!

Cardinal numbers 0-19

0 - zero

1 - one

2 - two

3 - three

4 - four

5 - five

6 - six

7 - seven

8 - eight

9 - nine

10 - ten

11 - eleven

12 - twelve

13 - thirteen

14 - fourteen

15 - fifteen

16 - sixteen

17 - seventeen

18 - eighteen

19 - nineteen

Cardinal numbers for multiples of 10 (10-90)

10 - ten

20 - twenty

30 - thirty

40 - forty

50 - fifty

60 - sicky

70 - seventy

80 - eighty

90 - ninety

Rule for creating numbers 21-99

Multiple of ten + base number 1-9

  • 29 = twenty + nine = twenty-nine

  • 45 = forty + five= forty-five

  • 83 = eighty + three = eighty-three

Cardinal numbers for multiples of 100 (100-1000)


one hundred


two hundred


three hundred


four hundred


five hundred


six hundred


seven hundred


eight hundred


nine hundred


one thousand

Rule for creating numbers 0-999

How many hundreds


number from 0-99

  • 396 = three hundred and ninety-six

  • 704 = seven hundred and four

  • 855 = eight hundred and fifty-five

Words for larger numbers in English and how to use them

  • 1000 = thousand

    Count “how many thousands” just like you count “how many hundreds.” Like when you count hundreds, use the singular form of the word thousand:

    • two thousand two thousands

    You can count up to 999 millions:

    • 1,000

      one thousand / (a thousand)


      nine thousand


      eleven thousand


      nine hundred and seventy-two thousand

  • 1,000,000 = million

    We also count “how many millions” just like counting hundreds and thousands. We always use the singular form of the word million:

    • four million four millions

    You can count up to 999 millions:

    • 1,000,000

      one million / (a million)


      ten million


      one hundred and seventy-five million

  • 1,000,000,000 = billion = 1,000 million

    We count “how many billions” just like counting hundreds, thousands, and millions. We can count up to ,nine hundred and ninety-nine (999) billion and we always use the singular form of the word.

Rule for creating very large numbers in English


How many billions + how many millions + how many thousands + how many hundreds + and+ number from 0-99

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