a group of cows relax on a hillside in front of a stunning pastoral landscape

Activities: “How to use adverbs in Brazilian Portuguese?”

By: Fabiana Dametto Oliveira
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Form an adverb

Try to form adverbs with -mente from the following adjectives. Notice that some of these adjectives are in their masculine form, and you may need to change it to the feminine form in order to make the adverb.

  • feliz

  • triste

  • simples

  • frio

  • rápido

  • tranquilo

  • lento

Activity 2: Finish the sentence

Complete the sentences below with the most appropriate adverb below:

  1. Ela fala espanhol .

  2. Eles trabalham .

  3. Carla cantou no karaokê .

  4. Ele estudou para a prova.

  5. O pássaro voou .

  6. O coordenador explicou as instruções .

Activity 3: ‘tanto’ vs. ‘tão’

Choose the correct form of tanto or tão to complete each sentence:

  • Ela é simpática!

  • Eles têm talento para a música.

  • O trabalho exigiu esforço.

  • Ele estava cansado que decidiu tirar uma soneca.

  • Vocês têm tempo para se preparar.

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