Mango Labs

Research-industry partnerships at the cutting edge of language science.

Collaborate with us today

Language learning technology is a relatively new field that is changing rapidly. There are still so many open questions about how language learning works when technology enters the picture, and answering these questions is becoming more and more important in our increasingly digital world.

At Mango Languages, we aim to engage in rigorous, collaborative scientific research that helps broaden our understanding of language learning technology across a wide range of contexts and populations. Through Mango Labs, our research collaboration portal, we support researchers by granting free access to Mango’s language learning software and other products for empirical studies, providing limited access to usage and assessment data, and establishing research-industry partnership relationships and mentorship opportunities. 

From improving language learning outcomes, to exploring new technologies, to promoting equitable access to language learning materials, we support collaborations that push the boundaries of language education and technological innovation.

What are some of the ways that Mango Languages supports researchers?

  • Free access to our language learning platform for research projects (e.g., free licenses for participants for the duration of a study)

  • Secure data storage for study data related to Mango usage

  • Provision of de-identified data over the course of research studies

  • In some cases, access to de-identified existing usage and assessment data for large-scale analyses

  • Guidance on study design, IRB and grant proposals, data analysis, and other aspects of the research process

  • Valuable research-industry mentorship and partnership for academic researchers at all levels

  • A limited number of small grants to recognize exceptional research in language learning technology

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Are you interested in conducting a research study using Mango's language learning tools?

Please contact our team to learn more.