Unlock Authentic Language Learning with Our Latest Feature: Mango Reader

This new feature will be turned on in 30 days unless you opt-out.

Are you in search of powerful tools to immerse your students in authentic language content?

Look no further – we’re thrilled to introduce our newest feature designed to elevate the language learning experience.

Say hello to Mango Reader, our Google Chrome browser extension designed to simplify reading foreign language websites. Seamlessly integrating with our digital platform, this extension effortlessly allows your students to explore online content in their target language. Check out the video below to learn more!

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Would you like to opt out of Mango Reader?

This browser extension will be turned on for your accounts on December 20th, 2023 and become accessible to you and your students. The extension does work with a third-party external website for language dictionary terms that are not controlled by Mango Languages. If, due to this fact, you would like this not to be turned on for your accounts, please fill out the form below to be added to the list of schools not wishing to have access to this tool. After December 20th, 2023, you may request this be turned off for your school at any time by reaching out to your account representative directly.

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