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Learn with proven linguistic methodology that focuses on Intuitive Language Construction™.
Speak it like a local
Native speaker and sophisticated AI-generated audio. Real-life Conversations. Cultural Context. The best way to learn a foreign language.
It sticks
Daily Review System that highlights key phrases from lessons and adds them to your virtual flashcard deck that changes according to your progress

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Based on App Store 4.8 star rating and Google Play 4.8 star rating. Compared to the leading language learning app brands. As of January 2023, the information provided is for general informational purposes only. All information herein is provided in good faith, however Mango makes no promise or guarantee as to the outcome from the use of its products and services.
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“…builds the foundational skills through vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and culture…”

“…mixes listening and reading activities to help you pick up basics of a foreign language…”

“…one of the most beautiful language apps on Android…”
Language-learning methodology that's proven effective.
Intuitive Language Construction™ builds the 6 critical skills necessary for true language learning. Vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, culture, comprehension and retention.
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Mango for every organization
No time like the present to change your life forever.
Featured Articles

How to learn a second language: A comprehensive guide
Learning a second language involves understanding how its sounds, words, and grammatical patterns are used...

What are the easiest languages to learn?
The easiest languages to learn are those that have vocabulary, grammar rules, spelling, and pronunciation that are similar to your native language.

What are the hardest languages to learn?
The hardest languages to learn are those that are very different from your native language in terms of vocabulary, grammar features, pronunciation...

How long does it take to learn a language?
Learning a foreign language takes about one year if you are taking an intensive language learning course. Now, be aware that one year is a...

Best foreign languages to learn
Learning a foreign language has become more important than ever in the global business space. Becoming fluent in one or more languages...